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It has been our privilege for almost 40 years, to provide the Anglican Church with ‘User Friendly’ Lenten Studies. 

The quality of writers of previous books has been outstanding, and this current 2025 book is no different. Bishop Keith Dalby, Bishop of the Murray, has written the 2025 studies and his previous occupation as a submariner helps to make the content a very challenging and down to earth experience. 

The production team felt the books title “Going Deeper With Jesus” was appropriate considering Bishop Keiths previous occupation and the need for all of us to consider going deeper in our life’s journey of faith. 

The cost of the book ($10.95) has remained the same for a number of years to help cash stretched parishes and there is an EPub version for $9.50.

The Grassroots Resources Team wish you a holy and productive Lent, and hope you will be supportive of our Lent Book for 2025.


For Lent
AND other times of the year.
This logo shows the titles that can be used at anytime in the year.
$10.95 each


Lent Study Book for 2025 (Printed Version) $10.95
Bishop Keith Dalby

Also Available in EPub - $9.50
Suitable for Android Tablets and Phones
or Apple Ipads and Phones.

This series of Lenten studies will lead participants on a journey to go deeper in their faith using the Year ‘C’ Gospel.

Weekly Overview

Week 1. Temptation : Luke 4.1-13
Week 2. Transformation : Luke 9.28b-36
Week 3. Why is there Evil? Luke 13.1-9
Week 4. The Forgiving Father : Luke 15.1-32
Week 5. New Possibilities : John 8.1-11
Week 6. A New look at the Cross : Luke 23.1-49

Bishop Keith writes..."This year the Anglican Church of Australia is promoting Hope 25. The idea is that from Easter to Pentecost in 2025 we might share the hope of the Good News of Jesus Christ to a world that desperately needs it. The Catholic Church has declared 2025 to be a year of Jubilee with the emphasis on individuals as Pilgrims of Hope.

This study is a little different to what might have been experienced in other studies and even in studies from Grass Roots in the past. This year we are not just wanting you to answer questions based on the reading. We want you to discuss and be curious asking many questions about what you have read . Our hope is, that in doing this, you will knit together as a small group of pilgrims, of disciples of the Lord Jesus “Going Deeper with Jesus”. Thus becoming pilgrims engaging in Hope 25 and the year of Jubilee...."

Study One (pdf of intro and 1st study)

The Going Further section contains an assortment of material that could greatly aid the leader of the studies.

GOING FURTHER - Additional Material (Work in progress)

 Postage is added:
Australia Post have increased postage costs in 2025

1-2 Books $4
3-8 Books $10
9-12 Books $15
13+ Books $17.50
40 Books - No Postage
50+ Books 10% discount and no postage.


Sign up for Lent Studies Sheets.

Poster & Sign up forms

Click on graphic for pdf file.












Safetynet Discipleship
Bishop Peter Stuart - $10.95

Also Available in EPub - $9.50
Suitable for Android Tablets and Phones
or Apple ipads and iphones.

NOT Kindle

This series of Lenten studies will lead participants in a journey through the Year ‘B’ Readings.

Study One (pdf of intro and 1st study)

Bishop Peter Stuart writes ..... Lent presents us with an opportunity to be more open to God's grace. As we abide in God’s love, God blesses us to become more the person God calls us to be. 

This Lent, we invite you to be open to the experiences people have that fill them with fear and uncertainty. These may be brief or lengthy moments. They may be your story. They might be the story of a friend, colleague, or fellow parishioner. They are our shared stories of trauma. We hope that by reflecting on the God of love, revealed in Jesus, who is at one with us on our pain, your faith and discipleship will grow

Bishop Peter Stuart is the Anglican Bishop of Newcastle.

In recent years he has spoken openly about his experience of childhood trauma. He writes from personal experience, a careful study of the scriptures, and reading in contemporary neuroscience.

These refreshing studies look at the Sunday Gospel readings. They are intended to help you reimagine yourself as a disciple of Jesus.

Seven studies are provided from Ash Wednesday through to Palm Sunday week.

• Cost has been held at $ 10.95 plus postage (No postage on orders 40+)
• Same price as past years.
• Epub version $9.50
• Full colour
• Discounts on “Safetynet Discipleship” for orders 50 and over.
• Books can be ordered and paid for on line by credit card or we will send an account.
• The readings are based on the Year "B" lenten Gospel readings using
‘A Prayer Book for Australia Lectionary’.

GOING FURTHER - Additional Material


Written by Bishop Peter Stuart - Bishop of Newcastle.


$10.95 for printed copies and $9.50 for Ebooks.

Sign up for Lent Studies Sheets
Click on graphic for pdf file.












Lord I'm Serious This Lent
Bishop Bill Ray - $10.95

Also Available in EPub - $9.50
Suitable for Android Tablets and Phones
or Apple ipads and iphones.

NOT Kindle

This series of Lenten studies will lead participants in a journey through the Year ‘A’ Readings.

Study One (pdf of intro and 1st study)

Many of us have made New Years resolutions, but their life span didn’t last the whole year.  However, Lent is only six weeks and it my prayer that you and I will be able to be “hang in there” for this liturgical season. In other words be serious about this Lent

In authoring these studies I have sought to cater for the spiritual and learning needs of people who have been involved in the life of the Church for a considerable time and those who have come to faith in recent times. I am aware that some people also come to group sessions as enquirers, seeking to know whether Christianity is for them. In an effort to accommodate the different stages of people’s faith journey, the structure this year adopts a smorgasbord approach. 
There are five sections to each study. They are:
• worship both at the beginning and conclusion of each study
• ‘Let’s kick in with ….”, a coming on board time.
• focussing on a particularly spiritual discipline.
• exploring one of the four promises or two questions from the baptism service. 
• points to ponder based on two of the Scripture readings for each Sunday of Lent. 

The average study group meets for about an hour or an hour and a half.  There is too much material to get through in one session.  I invite groups to skim through the booklet first and decide how they will approach this resource. For example a group may decide on the following format :

            Let’s kick in with …”
            The spiritual discipline 
            and points to ponder. 

Groups members are then invited to reflect on the baptismal promises and questions in their private devotion time.  

Other groups may focus in the baptismal promises and questions and reflect on the spiritual exercises during their private devotion time. 

It is my prayer that each of us will have a holy and blessed Lent and that this study booklet will enrich each of us as individual Christians as well as provided ideas, material and thoughts for a blessed group life. 

WEEK 1 - Temptation
WEEK 2 - Being Transformed and Transfigured
WEEK 3 - Water and Food
WEEK 4 - Faith, Hope and Love
WEEK 5 - New and Redeemed Life
WEEK 6 - The Passion of the Lord

GOING FURTHER - Additional Material


Written by Bishop Bill Ray - Our most popular down to earth writer of the studies in the Grassroots Stable of books.


$10.95 for printed copies and $9.50 for Ebooks.

Please note correction for Week 3

Reading should be Luke 13; 1-9


Conversations with our Awesome God
Bishop Bill Ray - $10.95

Also will be Available in EPub - $9.50
Suitable for Android Tablets and Phones
or Apple ipads and iphones.

NOT Kindle

This series of Lenten studies will lead participants in a journey through the Year ‘C’ Gospel.

Study One (pdf of intro and 1st study)

The six studies focus on the Lenten Prayer of the Day and Scripture readings, each beginning with a spiritual discipline and a litany. Group members will engage in a contemporary way with issues such as confession and forgiveness, stewardship of the earth’s resources, violence in society and living into God’s call. Guided reflection with music encourages deeper engagement with each theme. “Going Further” provides online multimedia resources to enhance thought and prayer. These studies challenge participants to live into Lent and celebrate Easter with joy.

The journey of Lent invites us to explore what it might mean for us to practice faith in our time.

This study invites participants to explore six different Christians practices over the course of six weeks to begin that journey that so many of us find so difficult from head to heart to hands.

WEEK 1 - Walking Path of Discipleship & Prayer
WEEK 2 - Rediscovering the cross
WEEK 3 - Being stirred to action with Jesus the Prophet
WEEK 4 - Living as a people on the Way
WEEK 5 - Practicing a rule of Life
WEEK 6 - Walking the Way of the Cross

GOING FURTHER - Additional Material

Lent Study Book for 2021
Bishop Jeremy Greaves


Only Available in EPub - $9.50
Suitable for Android Tablets and Phones
or Apple Ipads and Phones.

This series of Lenten studies will lead participants in a journey through the Year ‘B’ Gospel.

Study One

In an interview the American poet and author Maya Angelou once said, “I’m always amazed when people walk up to me and say, ‘I’m a Christian,’ I think, ‘Already? You already got it?’ I’m working at it, which means that I try to be as kind and fair and generous and respectful and courteous to every human being."

Maya Angelou knew that being Christian is always a work in progress – something that requires practice.

When Jesus called the first disciples he did not have them learn great tomes of doctrine and dogma, he asked them to do something. From the very beginning Christians were known for what they did and how they lived more than for what they believed. The ‘people of the Way’ knew how to practice the faith.

For Christians, practices are things we do that shape our lives and “narrows the gap between who we are and who we are becoming.”

The journey of Lent invites us to explore what it might mean for us to practice faith in our time.

This study invites participants to explore six different Christians practices over the course of six weeks to begin that journey that so many of us find so difficult from head to heart to hands.

WEEK 1 - Walking Path of Discipleship & Prayer
WEEK 2 - Rediscovering the cross
WEEK 3 - Being stirred to action with Jesus the Prophet
WEEK 4 - Living as a people on the Way
WEEK 5 - Practicing a rule of Life
WEEK 6 - Walking the Way of the Cross

GOING FURTHER - Additional Material.


Today with Jesus - Bishop Doug Stevens

Sample pages of the introduction and first study.
Click here for pdf file (Sample now available)

• Cost $ 9.95 plus postage
• No postage costs on orders of 40+
• Full colour - Top quality glossy paper.
• Discounts on "Today With Jesus" for orders 50 and over.
• Books can be ordered and paid for on line or we will send
   an account.
• The readings are based on the Year "C" lenten lectionary    readings using ‘The Australian Lectionary’.
All Six studies are included in the Study Book.

• GOING FURTHER - Additional Material. - Click Here





"Make a Difference" (Bishop Bill Ray)
Using "Lent B" Readings.
We look at the world around us and ask “where has society gone wrong and in particular, why is the church seen as irrelevant?”

There are those in the world who see the church as a half full glass, while others see the church as an empty or half empty glass. These six studies are for those who see the church as a glass half full and are seeking to add to the glass of faith in a positive way to “Make a Difference.” in our secular world.

As we are led through the Sunday Lent readings and then reading a short commentary, we are invited to reflect upon their message. It is hoped each participant will be able to find some space to quietly reflect before coming to the groups.

The aim of the group discussion in "Make a Difference" is to share insights and allow ourselves to be challenged, so that we will live out our faith in an authentic way.

We need to work towards finding ways to be seen as relevant in the world, whilst not losing our Christian authenticity.

While the readings and study are important, it is hoped we will get to know each other better and develop deeper relationships in the body of Christ where we are worshipping now.

Sample pages of the introduction and first study.
Click here for pdf file (Sample now available)

• Cost $ 9.95 plus postage
• Full colour - Top quality glossy paper.
• Discounts on "Make a Difference" for orders 50 and over.
• Books can be ordered and paid for on line or we will send
   an account.
• The readings are based on the Year "B" lenten lectionary    readings using ‘The Australian Lectionary’.
All Six studies are included in the Study Book.

GOING FURTHER - Additional Material.


Written by
Bishop John Ford

The course is intended to encourage a renewed understanding of what it means to be baptised. Taking Lent as having its origin in the final preparations for initiation at Easter, it's purpose today is to prepare us for the annual renewal of our baptismal vows. The question to be posed is, was I baptised or am I baptised? Is my baptism a moment in history that might or might not be remembered or celebrated or an ongoing life to be lived both now and in God's future? This introduces the question of time and how this Lent we might be encouraged to reflect upon it differently.

Each weekly session takes the following Sunday's gospel reading, one of the signs or symbols from the initiation rites and the idea that traditionally holds sway concerning Lent as a time for giving up and proceeds to some questions for discussion/reflection and a time of prayer. The material could be used by individuals but is better approached by a group.

The booklet will need to begin with a general introduction basically expanding the above, some suggestions for its use in a group setting and reference to the final time of prayer.

Thereafter, each week will have the same outline following these themes and titles:

WEEK 1 Don't waste time Matthew 4
The baptismal robe

WEEK 2 Seize the moment John 3
The baptism candle

WEEK 3 You've had long enough John 4
The water of baptism

WEEK 4 When I find time John 9
The oil for anointing

WEEK 5 Time will tell John 11
The holy communion

WEEK 6 Now is the time The passion narrative
The laying on of hands

The material provided for each week will be:

1 A commentary on the gospel passage moving towards introducing the symbol
2 An historical comment concerning the symbol plus a commentary on its meaning and significance
3 Introduction to the questions of time that can be drawn from the above and how they might be approached as part of our ongoing baptismal life.

Sample pages of the introduction and first study.
Click here for pdf file

• Cost $ 9.95 plus postage
• Full colour - Top quality glossy paper.
• Discounts on “Spare a Minute” for orders 50 and
• Books can be ordered and paid for on line or we will send
   an account.
• The readings are based on the Year "A" lenten lectionary    readings using ‘The Australian Lectionary’.
All Six studies are included in the Study Book.
• Additional material - Click Here

"Walking Humbly with God "

This (Six Week) Lent Study
is written by The Rev'd Canon Dr Timothy Gaden

Year 'C' Readings

Check out intro and week one of study

• Additional material - Click Here

"The God of Life" - Bishop John Harrower

God is the God of Life. It is no accident that the great “I Am” sayings of Jesus include the very staples of living: bread and water. And it is not an idle thing that we are invited at Holy Communion to feed on Christ spiritually, in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving. God desires us to live Christlike lives.

Lent has traditionally been a special season in the growth and development of a Christian’s life. Through looking carefully into our outer and inner lives, with reflection and repentance, we find renewal.

The Holy Spirit takes our prayers, thoughts, questions and study time, and shapes our lives to deeper discipleship.

A special focus on God’s work in us that enables us to experience life in its fullness is explored in each of these five studies:

Study One: Creator of Life
Study Two:
Promiser of Life
Study Three: Sustainer of Life
Study Four:
Rescuer of Life
Study Five: Renewer of Life
Study Six (Holy week) ‘Ruler of Life’ is published on the web site.

May these Lenten studies be to you a life-changing event through the power of the Holy Spirit.

‘God of Life’ is a five part study book (plus study 6 on the web) of the readings and Psalms for the Eucharist based on the readings for Year B.- Click here for Study 6 (pdf)

Sample pages of the introduction and first study.
Click here for pdf file

• Cost $ 9.95 plus postage
• Full colour
• Discounts on “The God of Life” for orders 50 and over.
• Books can be ordered and paid for on line or we will send an account.
• The readings are based on the Year "B" lenten lectionary readings using ‘The Australian Lectionary’.

Godly Steps - Stepping out with God - Bishop Bill Ray
The Christian journey is a process of keeping in step with God. Yet, this is not always easy. At times it is simpler just to step out to our own beat rather than being in step with God. Lent provides a time to reflect on our journey with God and ask ourselves how we can make our faith journey more in step with God. “Godly Steps” is a five part study of the Old Testament readings and the Psalms for the Eucharist based on the readings for Year A.

Each of the book's five studies have their own focus:

Study One:
Exploring our actions that have consequences because of God’s gift of free will
Study Two:
We explore Abram's journey as he stepped out with God.
Study Three:
The difference between needs and wants, and how we place our faith and trust in God.
Study Four:
God often selects an unlikely person such as David and in doing so, turn our ways on their head.
Study Five:
New life from what seems impossible, the Valley of Dry Bones.
Study Six: (Holy Week)
Study six is available on line to download.

During a recent parish visit, a parishioner made the comment that a few years back she discovered that Lent was more than just giving up sweets or alcohol. It was a time to reflect on our journey with God and how we keep in step with Him and grapple with challenging matters of faith.

The Old Testament passages for Year A are challenging. When I was in Parish ministry a retired priest who was dying came to stay with his daughter. I invited him to celebrate and preach at a mid week Eucharist. During his sermon he said that he wished he had spent more time grappling with the difficult passages of Scripture rather than with the easy or comfortable ones.

“Godly Steps” is an opportunity to grapple with passages of Scripture that may confront us. “Godly Steps” also helps us to think about those aspects of our journey that need attention as we reflect on how we can stay in step with our Lord.

Additional material
Click Here

Sample pages of the introduction and first study.
Click here for pdf file

Cost $ 9.95 plus postage
Full colour
Discounts on “Godly Steps” for orders 50 and over
Books can be ordered and paid for on line or we will send an    account
The readings are based on the Year "A" lenten lectionary    readings using An Australian Lectionary.

Faith Rudder - Bishop Bill Ray

Every photograph tells a story. The front cover is fascinating; a photograph of so much unfulfilled potential. There are a number of boats all without an outboard motor and neither are the oars in the rollicks. I am reminded of times when I have been on holidays at the beach and all these boats are lined up for hire. Without the outboard engine or oars they are only a visual image but achieve nothing; but are reminders of their potential.

There have been times in my Christian pilgrimage when I have been a little like the boats in the photograph. So much potential for the Kingdom of God, just haven’t quite engaged the engine or oars to go forth in my faith.

This Lenten Study - Faith Rudder, is based on the theme of covenant and will draw upon the Old Testament readings for 'Year B' of the season of Lent using 'An Australian Lectionary'. During the five studies we will examine a number of covenants between –
• God and Noah.
• God and Abraham.
• God and Israel with Moses.
• Living the covenant.
• New covenant written upon the heart as outlined in Jeremiah.

Covenants are fundamental in both the Old Testament and New Testament. The covenants are between God and the people of God. As we study the various covenants and consider the implications for our daily Christian lives may this Lent enable us an opportunity to tune our engines or oars of faith, so that we can be an effective rudder of faith to direct our good ship; “Christian Pilgrimage”.

• Cost $ 9.95 plus postage .

• Full colour - Year B in the Lectionary

• Discounts on orders 50 and over

• Books can be ordered and paid for on line or we will send an account

Faith Rudder - contains five studies focusing on our Covenant with God. The readings are based on the Year "B" Old Testament lenten lectionary readings

Additional material is provided on our web pages

• Sample pages of the introduction and first study. (pdf file 369k)
144dpi version available to view by clicking here (700k)
  72dpi version (400k) Click here

(Faith Journey)
The Readings for Lent 4 (Page 29) should read -
Numbers 21: 4-9 and John 3: 14-21


• Full colour - Year "B" readings       (Suitable thoughout the year)

Earthing my Faith in Love contains five studies. This study focuses on Christian love in the early 21st century. We are all involved in big changes in society and we need a vision of genuine love so that we can practice love and not burn out. Television makes us aware of so much suffering in the world. We have different neighbours compared to ten years ago. The internet and mobile phones have changed our world. The title Earth-ing my Faith in Love reminds us that we urgently need to find a new compassion for the environment so that there is a viable future for our children on this planet. As we go on the journey to Easter, Jesus will nurture us into his loving way. 

Sample pages of the introduction and first study. (pdf file 650k)

The Reverend Ron Browning









Easter Journey - Year A  Gospel

For Christians, Easter is the key of our faith. Anglicans along with other members of the Christian family, use the season of Lent to prepare, so that they can live into and celebrate the message of the resurrection with joy and meaning.

For many of us it is so easy to take the liturgical seasons for granted. Easter Journey seeks to prepare people so that when Easter arrives, people can fully live into the Easter season and Easter message.

The five studies are based around two questions, “Who do you seek?” and “What do you seek?’
These studies, based on the traditional Lenten Gospels, will assist in the focusing on Christ, the one who died and rose for us so that we have life in all its fullness.

The early Christians were asked the question, “What do you seek?” when they were preparing for baptism. Their reply was “new life in Christ”. For those who are using Easter Journey, it is an opportunity for them to renew their faith in Christ as well as seeking to serve Christ more faithfully in our day and age.

Easter Journey is written by Bishop Bill Ray, Bishop of North Queensland. The studies are based on the Gospel readings for (Year A)

Cost of the book (and all books in the stable) are $9.95 plus postage with the usual discounts as previously.

Sample of the intros and first study - pdf file 482k

Additional material on line - Click Here
• Sermons • Kids Talks • Pewsheet material • Additional resources, questions, areas to consider.
A password is NOT required


Following on from the very successful “Being a Christian in the 21st Century trilogy”, Bishop Andrew Curnow, Bishop of Bendigo, has written for us a very important sequel to compliment this series. “Being an Anglican Today” will help long committed Anglicans to appreciate what being an Anglican means. For new Anglicans and those exploring becoming an Anglican, it provides an invaluable introduction to Anglicanism. But most of all, it encourages all Anglicans to not only value the past but to also engage the future.
This Study Guide is not to be missed.

If you wish to see the overview and study one of the book, click here for the .pdf file (137k)


“Staying on Track”- Year B - OT & NT
Written by Bishop Bill Ray from The Diocese of North Queensland and contains five studies that invite participants to reflect on their lives.

Bishop Ray says about this book "When I first heard the term “bracket creep” I had to ask what it meant. I was told it was about income rising and a person automatically going into the next tax bracket. I thought there is a lesson here about living the Christian faith. Over time it is easy to find ourselves finding ourselves off track, slightly de-railed or in a siding in terms of living out our faith without being aware that this has happened.
The five studies explore the Old and New Testament as to whether it is relevant to us in today’s world . The studies also explore how we can nurture our faith and enjoy the promises of God."

Year "B" OT and NT readings are used for this study

Australia - $ 9.95 
Additional Web material is available - Click Here

Click here to view sample material on "Staying on Track" - This contains the overall outline, the five weekly themes and a complete printout for study 3. "Year B"

PDF VERSION of the same sample material mentioned above, but exactly how it appears in the actual book itself..


LENT REVISITED - Year B Gospel (Bishop Bill Ray)

"Lent Revisited" has been written by the Bishop Bill Ray who is a Bishop with city and country experience. "Lent Revisited" is a series of five studies with a down to earth look at the gospel lectionary readings for year B. It is written from the heart and with a true understanding of the limitations, time restrictions and the concerns parishioners have in making the most of their Lenten journey.

"Lent Revisited" is a fresh look at many old truths. It will be a time to revisit, refocus and redirect when:-
· facing temptation.
· undergoing suffering (or transformation).
· principles are being challenged.
· focusing on belief.
· reflecting on life and death.

Year "B" Gospel readings are used for this study

PDF File - View the overview of "Lent Re-Visited" and 1st study
(You will need 'Acrobat Reader' to view this file - It is obtainable free from the Adobe site)


"Being Christian in the Church - The last book in the 21st Century trilogy." Bishop Andrew's first book called "Being a Christian in the 21st Century" (out of print) drew such interest that "Being a Christian in a secular world" followed the following year. The incredible response to both books led to the final in the series "Being Christian in the Church"
Bishop Andrew Curnow (Bishop of Bendigo, Victoria) has written a truly challenging follow up for his previous successful studies. "Being Christian in the Church" follows on from the previous user-friendly home studies. One study per week for 5 weeks. Each week deals with the difficulties of being Christian in a church that is often more concerned with bricks and mortar.
The weekly themes for the five part study are:
1. Being an effective member of the Body of Christ.
2. Worship that relates and strengthens us.
3. What is means to be a Healthy Church.
4. Partnership.
5. How to be the Future Church

It should have read - Matthew 9: 35 - 10:1-14

PDF File - View the overview of "Being Christian in the Church" and 1st study
(You will need 'Acrobat Reader' to view this file - It is obtainable free from the Adobe site)




A powerful book which considers what essentials are needed for the task of Evangelism. It looks at many of the starting points of providing a parish with the tools necessary to make their church relevant in their community.

Bishop Andrew Curnow




The book gives us the chance to be in close communication with God, and at the same time achieve a sense of practicability in our prayer life.

The Reverend Llewellyn Jones



A very popular study using the symbols of The Passion



LENT WITH LUKE! - Year C Gospel


The Rev'd Max Bowers


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