Going Further
A Rule of Life

The theme of these notes is our individual and corporate “Faith Journey”. I hope this is a helpful theme as we think about being nurtured as leaders, and nurturing those around us. The Faith Journey can be understood to have four elements. We can look at some issues in relation to these four elements of our faith journey.
My hope is that the framework evokes helpful personal reflection and opens up nurturing, honest conversation together

Bishop Philip Huggins

Our Faith Journey can be helped by a Rule of Life. Consider the following headings and use them to come up with a rule of life that will be helpful to you.

1. Current Theological Issues
- At home in the credal faith;
- Signs of the Kingdom, amidst much cruelty and violence

2. Personal trust in God
- Reflecting thankfully;
- Issues of nurture;
- Dealing with the Church;
- Our yearning

3. Faith in Action
- Seeking to live with integrity;
- Balancing our public and private lives;
- Accepting and challenging community life;
- Skills in conflict resolution;
- Do we have a gift still to offer?

4. Faith and Personal Growth
- Signs of Holiness – Peace, forgiveness, humility;
- How do significant others see us?
- Encouraging the quest for holiness;
- What are we looking forward to?

• A Prayer within a cross, drawn from reflections on “our faith journey”.
• A looking forward exercise.